Shofar Accessories

Showing 1-26 out of 26 items
Showing 1-26 out of 26 items

Price Range

So, you own a shofar. Why not invest in a few accessories to ensure that this precious item is properly cared for and protected. Start with a shofar stand. For ram's horns, we offer stunning hand painted wood stands from Yair Emanuel with eye-striking colorful designs to enhance the d&233;cor of any room. They are available in two sizes – for a small or large shofar. Each stand is a visual delight featuring Jewish themes to delight the eye and warm the heart.

For those who prefer a more subdued dignified shofar stand, we recommend one of our elegant lucite stands, available in a choice of sizes, suitable for a ram or Yemenite horn. The unadorned transparent feature of the lucite directs all attention to the shofar.

In order to carry your shofar from place to place, use one of our pretty Shofar pouches. Made from elegant velvet, they are embroidered with a small picturesque design or an appropriate Biblical verse. If you prefer a more colorful style, try Yair Emanuel’s shofar pouch with his vivid representation of Old City Jerusalem.

Our Odor Neutralizer spray is an absolute must accessory. Although MyShofar checks each shofar before dispatch to ensure that any smell has been eliminated, there are shofars where the odor lingers. So, use your spray and solve the problem.

With these accessories, just looking at your shofar will give inspiration and uplift.

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